Electric Power

Electric Power

Electric power is the rate of energy consumption in an electrical circuit.
The electric power is measured in units of watts.
  • Electric power definition
  • Electric power calculation
  • Power of AC circuits
  • Power factor
  • Power calculator

Electric power definition

The electric power P is equal to the energy consumption E divided by the consumption time t:
P is the electric power in watt (W).
E is the energy consumption in joule (J).
t is the time in seconds (s).


Find the electric power of an electrical circuit that consumes 120 joules for 20 seconds.
E = 120J
t = 20s
P = E / t = 120J / 20s = 6W

Electric power calculation

P = V · I
P = I 2 · R
P = V 2 / R
P is the electric power in watt (W).
V is the voltage in volts (V).
I is the current in amps (A).
R is the resistance in ohms (Ω).

Power of AC circuits

The formulas are for single phase AC power.
For 3 phase AC power:
 When line to line voltage (VL-L) is used in the formula, multiply the single phase power by square root of 3 (√3=1.73).
When line to zero voltage (VL-0) is used in the formula, multiply the single phase power by 3.

Real power

Real or true power is the power that is used to do the work on the load.
P = Vrms Irms cos φ

P      is the real power in watts [W]
Vrms  is the rms voltage = Vpeak/√2 in Volts [V]
Irms   is the rms current = Ipeak/√2 in Amperes [A]
φ      is the impedance phase angle = phase difference between voltage and current.

Reactive power

Reactive power is the power that is wasted and not used to do work on the load.
Q = Vrms Irms sin φ

Q      is the reactive power in volt-ampere-reactive [VAR]
Vrms  is the rms voltage = Vpeak/√2 in Volts [V]
Irms   is the rms current = Ipeak/√2 in Amperes [A]
φ      is the impedance phase angle = phase difference between voltage and current.

Apparent power

The apparent power is the power that is supplied to the circuit.
S = Vrms Irms

S      is the apparent power in Volt-amper [VA]
Vrms  is the rms voltage = Vpeak/√2 in Volts [V]
Irms   is the rms current = Ipeak/√2 in Amperes [A]

Real / reactive / apparent powers relation

The real power P and reactive power Q give together the apparent power S:
P2 + Q2 = S2

P      is the real power in watts [W]
Q      is the reactive power in volt-ampere-reactive [VAR]
S      is the apparent power in Volt-amper [VA]

Power factor ►

See also

  • Power calculator
  • Power factor calculator
  • Power factor
  • Watt (W)
  • dB-milliwatt (dBm)
  • dB-watt (dBW)
  • Kilowatt (kW)
  • Kilovolt-amp (kVA)
  • Efficiency
  • Electrical voltage
  • Electrical current
  • Electric charge
  • Power conversion
  • Ohm's law